摩门教Mormonism,Mission bay beach,park,San Diego




摩门教(Mormonism)这个词是个不正确的称呼。正确的名称是耶稣基督后期圣徒教会(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)。盐湖城现成为该教会先驱者借着信心及自己的信仰所建立的城市,目前超过半数当地人士为摩门教徒,使盐湖城成为美国犯罪率和离婚率最低的大城市。建筑多数非常特殊,且肃穆,上图是我所经过的一个摩门教的教堂,今日目的地是著名的Mission Bay Park and Beach.




附近的Ski Beach是人们最喜欢的Mission bay之一,人们带上自己的摩托艇,畅游在水上.



Mission bay,Ski beach



Mission Bay Park is the largest man-made aquatic park in the country, consisting of 4,235 acres, approximately 46% land and 54% water. The park offers a wide range of recreational activities including paths for walking and jogging, and playgrounds for children. It is one of San Diego's most popular locations to fly a kite, picnic or sail a model yacht. Fire rings make it possible to cook out and stay warm. Mission Bay Park also offers a variety of free opportunities to the public such as professional volleyball and Over-the-Line sporting events. Annual attendance in the park is estimated at 15 million.



Ski Beach.



ski beach,Mission bay

